

How Generative AI and Neuroscience are changing the way we understand intelligence?


In the ever-changing landscape of artificial intelligence, two revolutionary fields—Generative AI and Neuroscience—are colliding to transform our understanding of intelligence. This synergistic interaction between robots and the human brain has enormous promise, opening up new horizons in creativity, problem-solving, and the very essence of what it means to be clever. This blog digs at the convergence of Generative AI and Neuroscience and how this collaboration is changing our perspective on intelligence.

Essence of Prompt Engineering with the rise of Large Language Models


Creating large language models like GPT-3 and other recent developments in AI have made prompt engineering a popular topic. These models, which contain an incredible amount of parameters and are capable of producing text that is cohesive and contextually appropriate, are immensely flexible tools for a wide range of applications.

Alchemy of Stable Diffusion


The creative expressions of humanity have always been reflected in art, in all of its forms. Art has changed, pushed limits, and confounded expectations throughout the ages. The world of art is undergoing yet another seismic transition in the digital era, and the groundbreaking idea of Stable Diffusion lies at the centre of this change.


Finding a balance in Ethical AI between Transparency and Privacy


In today’s world, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly penetrated various aspects of our lives, making it an essential technology in areas such as finance, insurance, education, retail, and manufacturing. Concerns about privacy, accountability, transparency, and the possibility of bias all figured prominently in this discourse. The key question remains: Should AI be regulated, and if so, how do we carefully strike the delicate balance between regulation and innovation?